Moeller & Neumann
Founded in St. Ingbert in 1946, Moeller & Neumann initially concentrated on the planning, supply and modernization of hot and cold rolling mills. In the 1960s, Moeller & Neumann developed into a specialist for the manufacture of light section mills and wire rod mills as well as heavy plate finishing lines.
This specialization and the strong market position of Moeller & Neumann led to the takeover by Maschinenfabrik Sack in 1971. The Sack Group was thus able to round off its product portfolio. In 1982, the growing internationalization of the markets led to the concentration of rolling mill activities of the Sack Group and Mannesmann Demag. MDS Mannesmann Demag Sack was founded. MDS was part of the Mannesmann Demag Metallurgy business area within Mannesmann Demag AG.
Since the merger of Mannesmann Demag Metallurgie and SMS in 1999, MDS Mannesmann Demag Sack has been part of today's SMS group.