EAF technology – solutions for your success

SMS group’s electric-arc furnaces and optimized processes offer you the most cost-effective solutions. They are designed to use electricity efficiently, with future-oriented burner and oxygen-injector technology. This gives you high productivity at low production costs.

All components of the electric arc furnace technology from SMS group have also been developed with the aim of reducing the costs of electric steel production. This makes your investment pay off faster.

Plant types

  • Electric arc furnaces

    Technological leadership – powerful results

    Main data

    More than 100 years of the development, construction, and commissioning of electric arc furnaces give SMS group a valuable store of experience. With almost 1,400 electric arc furnaces in new construction and revamp projects, SMS group ranks among the world’s leading suppliers of electric arc furnace technology.

  • SHARC – Shaft arc furnace

    The cost-effective melting unit

    The SHARC (Shaft arc furnace) has two preheating shafts for drying and preheating scrap. Conventional scrap preheating systems use asymmetrical scrap loaders. With the SHARC, the entire furnace cross-section over the height of the two shafts is available for energy transfer. This is made possible by the symmetrical shape of the furnace. Also integrated is the DC high-current technology and the longer retention of the hot exhaust gases. Here, scrap can be melted homogeneously.

    The SHARC oven with scrap preheating is highly productive, efficient, and environmentally friendly.

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  • CONDOOR® – high-performance slag door

    Enhanced safety and performance at lower operating cost

    Each EAF melting cycle involves the formation of new slag and its safe removal. CONDOOR® facilitates all activities carried out in the slag-door area to improve performance, safety, quality, and reduced costs.

    The CONDOOR® system for automated cleaning of the sill-breast area enables closed-door operation. It provides reliable access for automatic sampling and managing the temperature gauge. With this highly dependable and productive tool, you will get the highest standards of quality, reduced material and energy consumption, as well as greater yield.


    • Increased safety through fully automatic operation
    • Reduced electrode consumption
    • Lower consumption of electrical energy and carbon injection cost
    • Assured return on investment through increased productivity

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