For pumping, storing, cooling, filtering, treating

SMS group has decades of experience in the construction of water management systems and offers comprehensive solutions in all areas of metallurgical plant and rolling mill technology. 

We specialize in equipment for raw water treatment through cooling and process water circuits, right up to waste water treatment and water recycling. We take care of the necessary steps throughout all phases of the project: from the planning, delivery, and erection, right up to the commissioning and performance tests.

Our special focus is on developing customized plant and equipment which we define jointly with our customers. To achieve this, we provide studies and audits in existing water management systems in advance. Whether it’s identifying potential savings, improving performance, or ensuring long-term environmental protection – SMS group is on hand with advice and support for all your needs.

Plant types

  • Tailor-made water supply and treatment

    Water management systems

    Main data

    The water management systems are tailor-made to the capacity of the production lines and operate with a high degree of cost-efficiency.

    Laminar cooling
    • Steelmaking plants
    • Continuous casters
    • Secondary metallurgy
    • CSP® plants
    • Hot rolling mills
    • Cold rolling mills
    • Strip processing lines
    • Rolling mills for copper and aluminium
    • Tinplate mills
  • Direct and indirect cooling

    Primary and secondary circuits

    Depending on the local situation, the cooling water systems can be designed either as primary or secondary circuits (e.g. seawater circuits, cooling of emulsion circuits or of rolling-oil circuits). Depending on the production process, a distinction is made between direct or contact cooling (contact with the process) and indirect or non-contact cooling (heat exchanger). SMS group can furnish perfected solutions for both options.

    Cooling tower for direct and indirect cooling
  • Water and wastewater treatment

    Depending on the production process

    In conjunction with the cooling systems, all additional units belong to the range of supplies of SMS group:

    • Units for filter sludge treatment
    • For the treatment of make-up water
    • Boiler feed water, industrial water
    • For wastewater Treatment
    • For utilities distribution
    Wastewater treatment

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  • Water saving systems

    Recycling and reduced evaporation

    Innovative concepts for optimizing water consumption for cooling circuits and for the whole process water chain from production to treatment.

    By using a dry cooling system and/or adiabatic cooling tower, a maximum of up to 100% make-up water, adapted to the cooling task requirements, can be saved with a simultaneous rise in the cooling water temperature. However, this depends to a large extent on the climatic conditions at the installation site.

    River water-cooling water heat exchanger
  • Zero liquid discharge

    Reduced fresh water supply

    Given the shortage of water resources and the increasing costs for water treatment and waste water disposal, the demand for new recycling technologies is rising.The subject of reducing waste water volumes to the point where waste water can be avoided entirely, as well as the multiple use of treated waste water, is the most discussed topic in water management in the steel industry.

    At the same time, ‘zero liquid discharge’ (ZLD) concepts are being considered for individual branches of industry for a variety of reasons. When it comes to their implementation, however, priority is given to economic factors. The degree of implementation depends on the economic and ecological boundary conditions. From the treatment of the available water using measures integrated into the production process – up to waste water treatment – ZLD applies to the entire process chain.

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    • Decrease of the raw water consumption by 75-80%
    • Especially recommended for arid areas
    • Means of choice with high environmental credentials
  • Desalination

    Project WEISS: Modular desalination with up to four stages

    Water will become increasingly scarce and more expensive all around the globe. The resulting water shortage will hence have a growing impact on the production capacities in steelmaking plants in many parts of the world.

    SMS group - in collaboration with other project partners - has developed a new process for water recovery. In order to offer a solution to plant operators who are facing or will face temporary or even permanent water shortages, SMS group has developed, within the scope of the WEISS joint project, a cost-efficient process to recover water from blowdown water.

    Pilot plant with 3-stage desalination of blowdown water at Deutsche Edelstahlwerke in Hagen (Germany).

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