Furnaces for the production of ferro-alloys and other metals

As a result of changing economies and the manner in which commodities are processed due to environmental contains, SMS group predicts a growth in demand for new and/or revamped electric smelting units. Electric smelters and submerged arc furnaces (SAF) are common furnaces for the production of ferro-alloys and other metals, where larger amounts of slags are processed and treated. SMS group relies on an impressive reference base of over 1,000 electric furnaces supplied to customers in the iron, steel, ferro-alloy, chemical, TiO2, and nonferrous metals industries.

Submerged arc furnaces are ideal for smelting ore concentrate, calcine, pre-reduced ores as well as waste materials such as deposits, flue dust, slags, refractory breakout waste, and skulls. The units are highly diversified and specially developed depending on the input materials and product requirements.

Blue Technology

Sustainable solutions for the non-ferrous metals industry of SMS group and Paul Wurth. A video with Rolf Degel. 

Plant types

  • Submerged arc furnace

    Submerged arc furnaces are ideal for smelting ore concentrate, calcine, pre-reduced ores as well as waste materials such as deposits, flue dust, slags, refractory breakout waste, and skulls. The units are highly diversified and specially developed depending on the input materials and product requirements.

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  • Metix

    Metix is the Center of Competence for all submerged arc furnace (SAF)-related business within the SMS group. Metix (Pty) Ltd operates as a stand-alone business unit in South Africa from its headquarters in Johannesburg, keeping the well-established Metix name. Metix is comprised of an adaptable, versatile, and creative design team, benefiting from more than 70 years of cumulative experience in the pyrometallurgical sphere, and more than 100 years of total experience across various fields and industries.

    Metix applies itself across the entire equipment life cycle – from conceptual design and detail design through to manufacturing – and even plays a hands-on role during installation and commissioning. This 360° exposure means the team can approach each challenge in a holistic and integrative manner, which is especially beneficial when serving the needs of brownfields plants. The team utilizes the Autodesk Inventor 3D design space for all equipment modeling. Connecting this with Autodesk Navisworks to interactively engage with our clients as part of the design review process, giving all parties involved the peace of mind that the necessary due diligence is applied. Metix has deployed the complete Autodesk ecosystem, which further enables Metix to feed information into the larger project office BIM workflow.

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