Mission possible

At SMS group, we have made it our mission to create a carbon-neutral and sustainable metals industry. We supply the technology to produce and recycle all major metals. This gives us a key role in the transformation towards a green metals industry.

Our metallurgical know-how and our engineering skills combined with our digital expertise and plant technology consultancy enable us and our partners to forge a greener metals industry. It also allows us to make a fully circular use of metals. We are now fully focused on this vision, and together with our partners, we are on our way to turning metals green.

Humanity faces a central challenge that it can only overcome by working together: saving our climate. The steel, aluminum, and copper industries have a special responsibility, as they are responsible for around 10 % of global CO2 emissions.

However, the metals industry is significantly ahead of many industries facing similar challenges. The reason is that the relevant technologies are already available for implementation today. And the newly developed technologies also have a significant leverage effect. Here’s just one example: Using one ton of climate-neutral hydrogen in steel production saves around 26 tons of CO2 compared with the classic blast furnace route.

SMS group is an enabler in turning metals green

We are aware that we play a vital role in transforming the steel, aluminum, and copper industries. Our experience, deep understanding of processes, and technological know-how make us an essential partner for our customers because they need solutions that can do more than comply with guidelines and regulations. We are committed to enabling them to take a leading role in the transformation.

Certainly, we are looking at a marathon rather than a sprint. It will take years before the new technologies we have brought to commercial viability lead to a noticeable reduction in CO2 emissions. But we have made a start, and we can already report initial successes in decarbonization and a circular economy on an industrial scale.

How SMS group turns metals green

Burkhard Dahmen explains how SMS group has accepted the challenge to turn metals green, why we are focusing on both decarbonization and recycling and why plant engineering might be just the right place for people with a mission in sustainability.

The pillars of our strategy

Our unique setup as an expert for all major metals, as a supplier of the complete process chain including all upstream and downstream processes, as well as recycling, and as a provider of services from automation to digitalization and consulting allows us to offer all products and services required to forge a greener metals industry.