Innovative high current switch-mode rectifier for greater sustainability
The X-Pact® High Current switch-mode rectifiers enable customized, module-based DC power supply for electrolytic coating processes, including galvanizing, tinning, chromating, and stainless steel lines. They increase energy efficiency, reduce CO2 emissions, and improve plant availability.
Additionally, X-Pact® High Current delivers maximum process-oriented power supply performance, strengthening our customers' competitiveness. Leveraging advanced technologies such as pulse plating, these rectifiers enable surface design options that cannot be achieved with traditional thyristor DC systems.

Customer challenges addressed
- Improved surface quality
- Increased wear resistance
- Variable/adjustable hardness
- Enhanced corrosion resistance
- Possibility of multi-layer deposition
- Faster coating process
- Reduction of so-called "paint cracks"
- Decreased risk of "hydrogen embrittlement"
Key features
- High energy efficiency: up to 40% energy savings
- Enhanced plant performance (residual ripple, control speed, control accuracy, cos phi)
- Alternative operating modes (pulse mode, reverse pulse mode)
- High availability thanks to a modular design
- Efficient troubleshooting and monitoring
- Fewer and more cost-effective spare parts
- Easy expandable for capacity increases
Pulse/pulse reverse plating for surface design
Technological advantages, e.g. for electrolytic tinning lines
With pulse plating/pulse reverse plating, it is possible to achieve a multitude of technological advantages of the coating and to improve the quality and properties of the plated layer in terms of edge grits, dendrites, adjustable roughness values, multi-layer coating, oil adhesion improvement, and strip cleaning.
Avoidance of quality limitations
Technological advantages, e.g. for the electrolytic galvanizing process
Hydrogen absorption can be prevented, eliminating associated quality issues such as material failure and surface defects. This advancement allows for the treatment of high-strength steel grades (Rm>500<2000MPa).
Square ac for improved cleaning results
Technological advantages, e.g. for stainless steel lines
The square AC option (variable 5-60 Hz) enables improved cleaning results and a more homogeneous surface treatment with consistent properties. Passivation of pole plates is not required, and there is no need to alternate the cleaning frequency or change the DC poles (every hour).
Switched-mode power supplies, along with the option of square AC, also enable further cleaning effects that were impossible with conventional thyristor technology:
- H2 and O2 take effect at same time and same surface area with improved cleaning force by synergy
- Discharge of explosive gas (H2 und O2) with AC is nearly zero
- Tenside activity is higher with AC
- AC pattern and frequency could be adjusted in a wide range
- Low-energy technology
- Efficient cleaning system
- Low gas generation
- Modular system
Control options for enhanced plant performance
Technological advantages, e.g. for electrolytic tinning lines
Switch-mode rectifiers show significantly better control accuracy, control cycle time, wave shape control and especially lower residual ripple (less than 5% and even less than 3% or 1% independent of the operating point). The ripple of an thyristor device without filter amounts is closed ro 7% at full modulation.
The power factor over the entire working range is better than 95%.

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