Lightness.NRW - 开发材料和工艺,以便在可大规模生产的超轻设计中利用可回收、环保和最高强度的铝合金,为未来的交通服务。
June 1, 2018 to June 30, 2021
SMS group GmbH is coordinating this joint research project, which is being funded and promoted as part of the “New Materials” lead market competition.
作为 Lightness.NRW 项目的一部分,开发了一种热压成型(HDF)工艺,可将高强度和最大强度铝合金(板材或管状半成品)成型为具有高度复杂几何形状的超轻结构部件。通过实验室和示范组件以及组件研究,展示了HDF技术在大规模车辆生产中用于轻量化结构的潜力。为了利用与超轻量结构相关的全部技术潜力,还开发了基于实验结果的过程模拟和静态及动态应用的组件模拟。

Project consortium answers complex questions
Project consortium answers complex questions
Only the comprehensive project sonsortium, set up to cover all aspects of the value chain, was able to answer the complex questions that arise along the whole process chain. The capabilities and competencies of the consortium partners range from the development of alloys, processes and equipment, through the establishment of an accompanying simulation methodology for describing the forming process and component behavior, right up to the development and production of real demonstrators and their final experimental characterization. Based on the development and selection of a high-strength aluminum alloy that is suitable for HDF technology, the performance of the innovative forming technology for producing complex aluminum structural components was demonstrated and experimentally validated by the successful manufacture of two technology demonstrators – crossmatch and tube node.
This process was backed up by FE-based process and component simulations in order to achieve a gradual optimization of the tool and component geometry. Based on the calculated mechanical characteristics (static and dynamic), a material card was developed that enables the targeted design and dimensioning of aluminum lightweight structures.
Consequently, this resulted in the development and validation of a powerful CAE simulation methodology as well as a material card and material database that can also be used outside of the project. Using the results of the experimental tests and the findings gained from the manufacturing process of the demonstrator components with regard to the maximum degree of deformation, design guidelines and thus potential applications in the automotive sector could also be elaborated.
Potential of HDF technology
Potential of HDF technology
A large number of static and dynamic tests on the technology demonstrator components served as a reliable data basis for assessing the potential of HDF technology. The effects of post-treatment on the component properties were also examined by means of simulations and experiments, in order to ensure optimized heat treatment to achieve the desired mechanical component properties.
The design of a plant concept for the integration of HDF technology into a large-scale production environment constitutes the successful completion of an important step within the project from laboratory scale to series production. For this purpose, a process facility, including all equipment, preparation and supply units, and associated handling systems, was virtually realized using the example of the manufactured tube node, taking into account cycle times in the large-scale series production of vehicles. Based on this virtual representation of the overall facility, it was possible to evaluate the manufacturing costs and the environmental balance, and to determine general suitability for large-scale series production with the assistance of the end user from the automotive industry.
In this way, the foundation has been laid for the establishment of HDF technology in large-scale production applications. This is supported by the final evaluation of the component characteristics achieved, which show that HDF technology represents a great opportunity for energy- and resource-efficient lightweight construction. In the years to come, this technology can make a major contribution to ensuring that complex (structural) components, made of high-strength aluminum alloys, that cannot be manufactured cost-effectively, if indeed at all, can be widely used in series production and thus enable ultra-lightweight metal construction.
Koos van Putten
Koos van Putten
Research & Development
+49 2161 350 2434SMS group GmbH
Ohlerkirchweg 66
41069 Mönchengladbach
This project is funded by the European Union and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.